Every day on 15th
August and 26th January the first thing that I do, in the morning,
is to switch on the television and view the parade. Taking glimpses of the arms
and ammunitions that are put on display during the parade, my heart fills with
pride. But this feeling doesn’t last long. It disappears the next moment as I
open the newspaper and read about the awful incidents happening across the
country. The pitiable condition of our women which isn’t showing signs of
improvement even after the law has been strengthened; Corruption without which
living a luxurious life isn’t possible for many of our V.I.P’s and unstable
politics which can be called a political trend of our country.

Kejriwal’s spectacular victory in 2013 Delhi elections and his promises
enthralled the Delhities. People idealised Arvind Kejriwal and no doubts he is
trying his best to change things. But the events that have happened in the
recent days clearly reveal’s that Kejriwal is utterly confused. He wants
actions against the policemen but doesn’t want to initiate any actions against
his own Minister Somnath Bharti. He remains silent on the issue of Kumar
Vishwas who shamelessly comments on the South nurses. There are comparisons made
between Rakhi Sawant and Arvind Kejriwal and a hell lot of things are adding to
it. This nonsense easily withdraws the public interest from the politics.
should be like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru or Indira Gandhi for whom
nation was a priority. Leaders need to be selfless and not selfish. In India’s
representative democracy, we the people select them with utmost faith but
instead of creating a bridge between us and the government, the politicians are
creating nothing but a big ruckus. Most of them are throwing sand into our eyes
and doing many illegal things using their posts. While most of them are
impatient and violent, very few are patient and humble.
in India, the politics has become a circus where several parties have emerged
and all want their demands to be fulfilled. One tunes in to Lok Sabha or Rajya
Sabhi tv and gets irritated to see and hear the peaked voices of our
politicians. Politics has truly become a mess. By observing things that have
been happening, it can be ruled out that the respect for our country and its
people has gone for a toss. The increasing dominance of the politicians has
begun taking toll over us.
In my
perspective, this mess can be cleared by none other than the youth. Today’s
youth needs to be active in the political affairs of our country. The Gandhian
principles of Non-Violence, Peace, Truth and development of weaker sections of
the society need to be followed. Social pressure and intolerance also needs to
be eliminated from our lands. It’s high time we realize that India needs a real
change and this change can only be bought about by the youth! Here, the word
‘Change’ reminds me a story of a man who once wished to change the system.
Although he failed but his simple story conveys a lot.
initially thought of changing his country. He tried, tried but failed. He then
went ahead to change his state. He tried there too but nothing other than
failure greeted him. Later, he went ahead to change his friends. Even here he
put in all his efforts but unfortunately failed. Eventually, he realizes that
for driving a change, he needs to change himself first. By the time, he could
realize this; he had turned old and died of an illness. The story of this man
teaches us that the attempt of change needs to begin from oneself.
When one
changes, many follow the footsteps of that change. And mind-well, the change
has to be positive. Well, hopes should not be departed as there is still time
to expound things before stipulations start prevailing.
- Published on Brogels.com on 15th November' 2013.
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