Last week, the country was left flabbergasted when another rape of a young girl came into limelight. A little student, 6 year old, who barely knew the meaning of rape, was subjected to the crime. Even more shocking is the involvement of a school instructor and another person in it. The instructor, reports claim, used to teach skating in the esteemed school that girl studies in. And this person, along with another man, subjugated the little girl to cruelty.
As I logged into my email account, a day after this incident,
there was a request to sign a petition, asking the Karnataka Education Minister
to send a strict directive to all schools. The same day, as I switched onto
television news there were reports of massive protests in the city. Enraged
parents, students and citizens had taken it to the streets of Bangalore.
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The protest in Bangalore reminds me of the protest in New Delhi in the aftermath of the 16th December Delhi Gang Rape. At that time, I used to edit Ground Zero and I remember doing a sequence of stories on this issue. Somewhat similar were those visuals - people thronging the streets, breaking the barricades in anger, demanding answers and tight security for females.
If I am not wrong then two months ago we were debating on the same
incident happened in Badaun, U.P. Two girls were first found hanged to a tree
and later it was told that they were raped. Followed were a couple more
similar incidents in Uttar Pradesh. Two years ago, a three year old girl was sexually
victimized by the school principal’s husband. In repercussion, we debated,
protested a lot, blamed the local administration and raised voice for early
actions. What happened next? Did the incidents stop? No. It didn’t. Yes, it
didn’t, as we have history repeating yet again though in another city and
The skating instructor, accused in this has a similar case against
him. According to reports, he did this in the institution where he taught previously
for which he was fired from his job. Police, currently has also found videos of
child pornography from his laptop. Surprising it is that a person as risky as
him was allotted a job in a reputed school.
Often institutions do not verify the background details of
employees before hiring them. Often we people too, don’t verify details about
our servants and maids before allotting them work at our places. Police, right
from the beginning are telling people to verify details of employees but people
tend to skip this process. Verification is necessary as we never know a person
with a previous record might come up with fresh details and put mud into our
eyes. The skipping of this necessary background verification step has proven to
be heavy on Vibgyor International High School, Bangalore, where this incident has happened.
A little girl had to go through trauma because of a single mistake
of the school. Had the school checked the verification details of the
instructor before hiring him, this incident would have never happened. We can
never imagine what a victim goes through. For us it is very easy to discuss the issue
and press in for action. But the trauma that a victim goes through is
unimaginable. And in this case the victim is a little child.
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